The "Iron Flow" delivers two new kettlebell workouts on a weekly basis on an ongoing basis.
This year-long kettlebell challenge will boost your accountability and whip you into shape FAST
Health Disclaimer/ Haftungssauschluss
DE: Willkommen
EN: Welcome
The Perfect Plate - Der Perfekte Teller
LS Warm-Up (Tutorial)
LS Warm-Up (Follow Along)
Steve Cotter's IKFF Athletic Warm Up
Monday | 02.10.23
Thursday | 05.10.23
Monday | 09.10.23
Thursday | 12.10.23
Monday | 16.10.23
Thursday | 19.10.23
Monday | 23.10.23
Thursday | 26.10.23
Monday | 30.10.23
Thursday | 02.11.23
Monday | 6.11.23
Thursday | 9.11.23
Monday | 13.11.23
Thursday | 16.11.23
Monday | 20.11.23
Iron Flow Update
WOW #220 - 27.11.23
WOW #221 - 4.12.23
WOW #222 - 11.12.23
WOW #223 - 18.12.23
WOW #224 - 01.01.2024
WOW #225 - 08.01.2024
WOW #226 - 15.01.2024
WOW SPECIAL - 22.01.2024
WOW #227 - 29.1.2024
People who want to work out regularly to get in shape - and need a solid boost when they lose motivation to train.
Every week, you'll receive a brand-new workout and an invitation to the weekly group class via Zoom.
Access is only available through our membership which you can cancel anytime.
The regular price for Kettlebell Challenge Courses is $147 per month for 3 months. Get access for just $1 by becoming a Lebe Stark member.
You can cancel your Lebe Stark membership anytime with the click of a button.
It will take you 30 days to complete the course.